Thursday, January 8, 2009

Maybe the Binky Fairy took it!

Hannah has a binky, passy, pacifier, lovey or whatever other stupid name you want to call it. She didn't start out with it. When she got dropped on her head when she was a month old the people in the hospital gave her one. She liked it, so.... why mess with a good thing. It has been thirty nine months since she was introduced to that stupid thing. More than once did we think she was done with it. She has lost it, gone four of five days without it just to find it again and start all over again. We convinced her that the Binky Fair would like it. If Hannah put her binky under her pillow the bink fairy would come during the night and leave a toy, much like her cousin the tooth fairy. Hannah was all for it. She happily placed it under her pillow before she went to sleep. In the morning she found a cute little toy that she played with all day, that is, until she wanted her binky. I tried to convince her that she wanted the toy more but for whatever reason she did not believe me. She cried, she wailed, she whimpered, I gave in. I told her that if she put her toy under the pillow the binky fairy would come and take the toy and leave the binky. She finally got her binky back and took a long, overdue nap.

That was a few weeks ago. We have tried since then to try it again. Nope, not happening. Everytime she loses it she tries blaming the binky fairy. "Maybe the binky fairy took it!" she says with big sad eyes. I remind her that the binky fairy NEVER takes a binky that a little girl wants to keep. She still isn't too sure. She has lost it again. This was her last one. She chews them so they all eventually break and she only had one left. I really do not know where it is, really. It has been three days so far.

My husband buzzed his head. He looks great. I've been trying for a few years now to get him to do it. I asked Hannah what happened to Daddy's hair. "Maybe the binky fairy took it!" was all she said.

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